Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Today on May 9th, we went to work with the tutees again. What we did was read over what they wrote which was about the fast food addiction in the society today. They both spoke about the tradition of how Americans used to be apart of healthy food, and now are addicted to "junk food". The CAT W exam their reviewing and tried helping them formulate a concise and strong summery to the article they read. The two students I had were very good at formulating ideas, but having a little trouble putting everything into readable sentences. Both were exchange students from other countries and were fighting some language barriers but over all everything they had was very interesting. I understood they both read the article and understood it. They thought to put some supporting facts from their personal life such as their life at home with their children and family members into the response we were reading, but they needed a little help putting key facts from the article, which were names, corporations and statistics from the reading into their work. They both repeated the same words "junk food" and "tradition" which was getting a bit repetitive, but when I mentioned that they should change some of the words, and they already had words of their own to replace them. I just helped them with changing sentence structure, and formulating the ideas they had into ideas that were put together. What they needed help with a little and I mentioned at the end of the session was that they should take key ideas/ facts to support their ideas from the text and incorporate them into their work. Justifying that their own opinion with the information they attain in the article could benefit their claims in their response.

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